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Using light to observe and understand physiological processes

Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonics and Quantum Technologies Symposium 2018

The 2018 Dodd Walls Centre (DWC Symposium held on 27 to 29 June was a great success for the Biophotonics research group.

There were six posters presented by Sam Hitchman, Abi Thampi, Matthew, Goodwin Joni White, Magda Urbanska and Mykola Zlygostiev which demonstrated the excellence and variety of research taking place.

In addition, Rachel (Fang Ou) gave a talk on “Near real time monitoring of live to dead bacterial cell ratios.”

The Symposium ended on a high with both Abi and Joni winning a DWC award of $1000 each for the best poster presentation. Abi's poster was titled “Optical Coherence Tomography to predict the quality of meat” and Joni presented her poster on “Monitoring the viability of Staphylococcus aureus in near real-time using optical techniques.'

Congratulations to everyone.

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