Applications for Summer Research Scholarships now open
Summer research scholarships are a great way to gain valuable research experience with leading researchers at the University of Auckland. The biophotonics group have the following available summer research projects that would enhance your research skills in several fields of biophotonics and prepare you for a successful postgradua
te study.
Bacteria Characterisation using optics and microfluidics

In this project, the student will work with an optical set-up that collects fluorescence spectra from bacteria. Hence, the student completing this project will develop skills with optics, microfluidics and microbiology. The lab work will be completed in the biophotonics laboratory of the physics department (City campus) and the PC2 lab of the Molecular Medicine and Pathology department (Grafton campus). Previous experience in an optics or biology/chemistry laboratory would be great but is not necessary.
Optical Tweezers
The Biophotonics laboratory in the physics department is interested in using optical tweezers for the manipulation of bacteria. The initial phase of this project requires the assembly of an optical tweezing set-up and the student would be involved in this assembly. The student will develop skills with optics and learn about optical tweezers. Previous experience in an optics laboratory would be great but not necessary.
Developing a polarisation sensitive OCT system to retrieve sample optical axis and measure the vitreous humour
This project is based on polarisation sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT), an interferometric technique that allows high resolution in vivo imaging and identification of the sample optical axis. The student will learn about the technique of OCT and will adjust an existing OCT system to be polarisation sensitive. They will characterize the system and test it on a few samples.
High resolution Optical coherence tomography for optical biopsies
This project is based on optical spectral domain coherence tomography (SD-OCT), an interferometric technique that allows high resolution in vivo imaging. The student will learn about the technique of OCT and how to analyse images to extract more information than just the structure of the sample. The aim of the project is to develop an ultra broadband OCT system using a commercial spectrometer to attain ultrahigh resolution (less than 1 micron).
To apply for admission into the summer research scholarship programme and to select any of the listed projects kindly use the link below;